Friday, July 4, 2014

Great Selection of Sprayers and Garden Equipment


Hummingbird Food

Recipes for Hummingbirds:

What strength should humming bird sugar solution be?

The simple answer is one part granulated white sugar to 2,

3, 4 parts water. Experiment with your formula.

Heat the water to the point that the sugar fully disolves.

Boiling the water will kill yeasts and molds(which is good).

Let cool. Put in a clean feeder. Store the rest in a labeled

container and place in the fridge for future use.

Place feeder in a partially shaded area high enough to be

out of the way of walking heads but low enough that it is

easy to maintain.

Should you use Additives?

Red food coloring:

Red is a common attraction but it does little to improve the

end result. Just make sure that feeder has a red "lure" when

it is first placed outside. They will find it.


Do not use commercial honey as it may cause fungal growths

in their throats.

Praying Mantis the Pest Police:

Organic gardeners who avoid pesticides may encourage

mantises as a form of biological pest control. During fall

in temperate regions, mantis females typically deposit a

cacoon on the underside of a leaf or on a twig, and in some

species these are harvested commercially. If the egg case

survives winter, the offspring, called nymphs, emerge in

late spring or early summer. The nymphs have voracious

appetites and typically cannibalize each other if they

cannot find an adequate supply of aphids and other small

insects. Tens of thousands of mantis egg cases are sold each

year in some garden stores for this purpose. However,

mantises prey on neutral and beneficial insects as well,

basically eating anything they can successfully capture and


Simple formula for weed control

Simple formula for weed control

1 Gallon Vinegar
2 cups epson salt
1/4 cup Dawn dish soap(blue)

Mix the above. Put in sprayer. Kill weeds. Apply carefully

as this will kill grass, flowers, plants, shrubs, trees,

etc. Non-discriminating plant killer

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wide selection of sprayers at

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Flomaster 65' garden hose reel.